Tuesday 22 July 2008

Graduating from SOAS

22nd July 2008

On 22nd July 2008, I graduated from the School of Oriental and African Studies. Considering that Ryu brought me along this path, he was also spiritually there celebrating, his birthday was only a day ago - I thought it quite iconic.

Four long, tough years and I managed to see the other side with a good grade. It was somewhat of a relief but also scary thinking I was no longer in a cocoon. I have to make it on my own, start looking for a real job and really push myself in order to be accepted in the sector I want to shine in. My family were great, having them by my side when I got on stage to shake Baroness Helen Kennedy's hands and smile at the cameras.

Congratulations to everyone who succeeded.

Monday 21 July 2008

Violence Against Women workshop

Saturday 21st June 2008

I've had an interest in human trafficking not so long ago and it intrigued me to attend WILPF's Violence Against Women's workshop on Saturday 21st June 2008.

Human trafficking leads to prostitution, rape, violence, murder etc. Surprisingly and unfortunately, an estimated 80,000 women (and men) are involved in prostitution in the UK alone, 5000 of them are young people. The aim for this workshop was to clarify misconceptions about violence against women, what this term actually means , different forms of violence, causes and consequences and how power structures needed sustaining. Women need to be taught to empower themselves so these atrocities would lower in numbers. If women knew they indeed had rights, many would be able to defend themselves at home from domestic violence, or being manipulated into the promise of work abroad when all the while are in debt to 'pimps'.

The workshop was an incredible source of information and statistics, and I walked away from it thinking of how women's rights isn't well and truly in today's society, not when you think of all the things that are happening in women right in front of your door.

Since this workshop, I have become an honourary member of WILPF's 'Violence Against Women' working group, thus researching into areas of interest, liasing with other organisations like 'Eaves' and 'The Poppy Project' to see how we can implement and put forward legislation to the parliament in strengthening women's rights in this country and how sex trafficking and prostitution can diminish out of our society.

Saturday 12 July 2008

Women's International League for Peace and Freedom

January 2008 - WILPF's Office Administrator

Joining WILPF was the best thing I could have done in realising my capabilities and achievements in a political NGO. Working internally helped me understand WILPF's movements and policies, thus innovated me to become an active member and create working groups that supports WILPF's agendas. From now on, I will keep WILPF's news updated on this blog, covering my time with them and how I am involved.

I was featured on SOAS's newsletter regarding my experience with WILPF. Check it out.


To join WILPF UK, please visit this website: http://www.ukwilpf.org.uk/

We are always looking for new members and I will be happy to tell you about what we do in more detail.