Thursday, 29 November 2012

Presentation at the Warwick International Development Summit

For a two day conference in Coventry, the Director of Grassroot Diplomat Talyn Rahman-Figueroa had the honour to be invited at the Warwick International Development on 16-17th November 2012. The Warwick International Development is the largest student run development summit in the IS and is a unique platform that allows participants to engage with critical issues facing the field of international development.

On early Saturday morning, Talyn presented her case on the need for grassroot diplomacy in an era where more global grassroots movements are pivotally changing the nature of international diplomacy. In her presentation, the Director noted that the greatest challenge in our social structure is a clear lack of communication between political leaders and the citizens that they represent. She went on to further establish that the problem isn’t that we don’t have tools to communicate, but rather, people and governments have different outlooks on policy issues and governments, for the most part, forget that they are meant to serve a population whose basic needs must be met adequately.

Talyn spoke amongst high-profile speakers including World Bank Managing Director Mahmoud Mohieldin, Burma human rights activist Zoya Phan, and Jeffrey Sachs. Grassroot Diplomat also had the privilege of hosting a seminar in relation to the changing face of foreign policy where more than 50 students had participated on Talyn’s workshop.

We would like to thank the organisers of WIDS for this opportunity to participate and would like to congratulate the students for a wonderful experience. We hope that the students were inspired and we look forward to next year’s conference.

Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Director at Envision UK "We Are London" event

By Giulia Amparo Bruni Roccia

On Tuesday the 12th of November, the Director of Grassroot Diplomat Talyn Rahman-Figueroa had the honour and pleasure to be invited by Envision UK to speak at the "We Are London" event in Westminster.

She addressed students who had come from over 40 schools of London, to participate in activities, workshops and discussions, to share their knowledge about what they can accomplish in their societies with their skills. Very bright young people with a lot of potential attended the event, people who are hoping to start up their own businesses in the future.

Talyn shared her story about how she came to found Grassroot Diplomat, gave tips about the route one should take towards founding one’s own business, and urged the students to build connections, believe in their cause, and believe in themselves. “Dream big; aim high” as she emphasised.

To see her speech in full, click here.

Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Security in an Uncertain World

By Tamara Dias dos Santos

On Friday 28th September, Grassroot Diplomat participated in The Private Military and Security Conference organized by the Royal United Services Institute. RUSI united members from private military and security industries to discuss this complicated and unpredictable issue in the modern international system.

As diversified as it is, the security and defense industry has been facing an increasing presence in privatized services that once used to be monopolized by state-owned agencies. The concept of security has become a lot more sophisticated. The wars of the past decades highlighted an increasing need of a wide range of services that vary from logistical support, operational services, to armed military or security services. Given the number of issues involved, security operations have developed a wide debate within academia, media and civil society groups, thus the conference provided a wonderful opportunity for these actors to engage with private companies in a multidisciplinary discussion about issues currently pertaining to the functioning of security operations.

Since civil society is the most prejudiced in conflicts zones, Grassroot Diplomat provided clarification on current issues faced in conflict areas, as well as insights to how to engage with projects in conflict zones. It was a wonderful opportunity to enhance our business network and to meet potential sponsors, so that we can continue strengthening new and existing projects with the intention of building sustainable relationships with national or international government bodies and the business community.

Monday, 1 October 2012

Recent progress on reconciliation and development in Sri Lanka

On 20th September 2012, the Sri Lankan High Commission invited Grassroot Diplomat to visit a special one-day photo exhibition to highlight the renaissance of Sri Lanka after a long history of terrorism and war.

The photographic exhibition was divided in two parts examining the violence of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE, or more commonly known as the Tamil Tigers) and the reawakening after defeating 30 years of terrorism.

During the reign of the Tamil Tigers, many policy-makers and academics died during the civil war but the main victims of such atrocity were local people who were unable to escape. Methods of terrorism included public transport attacks, suicide bombers and the enrolment of child soldiers – all of such violence were depicted in this illustrative exhibition. The second part of the exhibition led to the hope that arisen from violence. The end of violence and commitment of the government to reconcile the communities are highlighted in particular.

The Sri Lankan Government has initiated several social economic and cultural programmes to uproot communal differences. The other challenge for the government is to wipe out misunderstanding cultivated by the LTTE among the international community and certain sections of the Tamil Diaspora. Nowadays, massive development projects are being carried out in the Northern and Eastern Provinces. These regions are the paths of physical and social development. Moreover, the country as a whole is becoming a single tourist destination with focus on urban and rural development and the reconstruction of infrastructure to facilitate this.

There are still many things to do and the communities are still in need of help to overcome their past. Legal practitioners at the exhibition expressed their concerns to this issue with Mr. Fritz Kodagoda, Barrister Mediator, talking about how local law centres are in urgent need of funding for development. In its goal to bridge the gap, Grassroot Diplomat is interested in focusing its connections in building better relationships between the people and government of Sri Lanka and will continue to pay close attention to developments made in this region.

Thursday, 20 September 2012

An Evening with Liberia's Vice President, Joseph Boakai

Written by Natasha Dyer

On Saturday 15th September 2012, Grassroot Diplomat was invited by the Royal African Society and Fasken Martineau LLP to a talk by the Vice President of Liberia - Mr Joseph Boakai. During his talk, the Vice-President made it clear that agriculture is the key driver of GDP growth in Liberia, accounting for over 40% of GDP since 2008.  Rice and cassava are the staple food crops, while rubber, oil, palm and cocoa are the dominant export tree crops. Liberia also hosts some of the biggest rainforests in the West African region.

The Vice President linked agriculture production to the stability of the country, stipulating that economic growth is the best catalyst to achieving a stable and peaceful post-conflict society, after decades of civil war that left the economy tattered.

Mr Boakai talked of plans the government had put together to stimulate the growth of economy and said they had “achieved what they had set out to do” at the start of their term, with Liberia now being the fastest growing post-conflict economy in Africa. Now the minister is in London to attract investors to the country’s burgeoning agricultural sector.

His Excellency did admit, however, that true development in Africa was easier said than done, and stated that they had a long way to go, emphasising the need for a multi-faceted economy with a diverse range of coordinated activities.

Outlining Liberia’s 2030 vision for the agricultural sector, Vice President Boakai did not hesitate to mention the role of women. With 80% of Africa, and 50% of the world’s food produced by women, African economies are increasingly relying on women’s skills, hard work and efficiency levels. However, women in Africa own less than 5% of the land they farm, which the government has assured will work on laws to reverse the system and put an end to discriminatory practices included also in tribal laws.

With no resolution in sight, the conversation quickly turned to the importance of protecting natural resources and eco-systems in Liberia, to avoid the bio-diversity crises seen in much of Africa. These crises not only affect the economy and landscape of Africa, the Vice President stated, but hit the rural poor the hardest, and he emphasised their need to protect the most vulnerable people in the country and continent from the widespread challenges of rising food prices, water scarcity and lack of resources. This, he said, is where the investors come in. But why is Liberia seeking investment from the west instead of from African investors when logging companies have granted more than 60% of the country's rainforests since Nobel Prize winner Ellen Johnson Sirleaf became president in the six years?

The Vice President stated that the majority of the country’s investors were African with Liberia owning 45% share of forests and 43% of the land in the region. The government had earmarked protective areas and was not selling land to investors, only opportunities to invest in bio-diversity, meaning better livelihoods for the Liberian people.

Questions arose over the lack of diverse representation in the Liberian Parliament, with Matthew Plaut claiming that only 11 of the 447 MPs were not from the ruling party, plus claims of lack of transparency in oil contracts and extraction methods. The debate also mentioned diamonds and the ongoing appeal of convicted former Liberian President Charles Taylor on his crimes in Sierra Leone from 1996 to 2002. Mr Plaut suggested there had been a limited commitment from Liberia to comply with the Kimberley process with regards to the extraction of diamonds, but the Vice-President was adamant about the government’s commitment to the process after the damage caused by the diamond conflict to the Liberian people. 

The discussion was concluded with final questions over the future of Cote d’Ivoire, downscaling of UN presence in Africa, IMF and World Bank reforms, the clearing of national debt, the importance of education and job creation for young Africans.  The Vice-President’s overall message was that there needed to be “a clear break from the past” with better approaches to business partnerships and governance and emphasised the need for greater international collaboration. 

The discussion was lively and robust, and Grassroot Diplomat thanks the organisers for this insight into Liberia’s governance.   

Friday, 20 July 2012

Sir Patrick Stewart at the UNA Forum

If Jean-Luc Picard, the revered Captain of Star Trek had one maxim alone, it was to treat every person, alien (or sentient object) he encountered with equal civility.

On 14th July at the UK United Nations Association Forum, it was announced that Sir Patrick Stewart, who famously played Capt. Picard is to become the first Patron of the UNA-UK.

The Emmy-award winning actor addressed an audience of hundreds from around the world who had one thing in common: a deep-seated appreciation for the valuable work of the United Nations.

Sir Patrick’s impassioned words were described as ‘icing on the cake’ for a day that was filled with stimulating discussions about the role of the UN in the future, the challenges of a world population of 7 billion, and the relevance of universal human rights.

A debate on the Olympic Truce highlighted the value of sport in peace-keeping and conflict resolution. The Olympic ideal – whereby nations can temporarily set aside their differences and live together in harmony – asks that if they can do it for one day, they can do it forever.

Many of us are familiar with the story of the British and German fighters who laid down their guns and emerged from their trenches on Christmas Day to play a football match. There are countless other examples of sport uniting otherwise hostile groups, highlighting the potential value of sport as a peace-keeping tool.  

One of the most well attended sessions during the day was a seminar on ‘How to Work for the UN’ led by Dame Margaret Anstee - the first female Under-Secretary General, among others. Recounting experiences in the field in Philippines and as Head of the Mission to Angola, Dame Margaret presented a career that spanned the world and altered lives, whilst paving the way for women in a male-dominated institution.

The attraction to working for the UN, however, comes from more than just wanting to be part of an international organisation that changes lives. It is about being part of a vision of the world, where people are of equal worth, and humans stand side by side to support each other. It is a utopian vision, but one that comes closer to achieving day by day. For that reason, Sir Patrick couldn’t have put it better in his closing remarks when he said, “the United Nations and UNA-UK must live long and prosper”.

Saturday, 23 June 2012

Arab Spring Opportunities for Women

Written by Isabel Whisson

There is no doubt about the pivotal role played by women in the uprisings in the Arab world in early 2011. However as political transition got underway the message being felt by women has increasingly been to “go home”.

Asserting the fact that opportunities that arise from the Arab Spring should benefit the whole of society, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and Women for Women International came together on 20th June to host a conference exploring the creation of economic opportunities for women since the Arab Spring.

Attended by over 150 people, the conference provided a comprehensive overview of the role of women and the many different ways they can both contribute to and benefit from the economy and wider society.

The notable line-up of panellists debated institutional and cultural barriers to female employment; discussed the success rate of micro-finance schemes; testified to the entrepreneurial appetite of women from the Arab world; and explored the key societal factors for gender equality.

Panellists also showcased practical successes including the Cherie Blair Foundation for Women’s mentoring programme; Womanity Foundation’s Nisaa 96 FM radio station for women in Palestine; and breakthroughs made by Women in Informal Employment: Globalising & Organising (WIEGO), a network of activists, researchers and policy-makers raising the profile of women in informal employment.

The event evoked a great deal of optimism evincing that with sustained momentum, the opportunities for women could significantly progress. During her keynote speech Zainab Salbi, the Founding Director of Women for Women International, emphasised that the ‘magnificent event’ that was the Arab uprising represented a crucial opportunity to champion the cause of women.

 “We are in that pivotal moment – do we capture it and move forward? Or do we regress?”

Sunday, 3 June 2012

Parliamentarians and Citizens Unite for Rio+20 Debate

Written by Isabel Whisson

On 21st May 2012 in the magnificent St Martin-in-the-Fields Church, over 500 people from all sectors of society joined the Environmental Audit Committee in a public debate on how to work towards a sustainable, green economy.

The event, which also launched photographer Mark Edwards’s latest project Whole Earth? was led and expertly chaired by Member of Parliament for Stoke on Trent North and Chair of the Commons Environmental Audit Select Committee, Joan Walley.

Kick-started with the presentation of Mark Edwards’s first photographic campaign ‘Hard Rain Project’ the audience were moved by powerful and emotive images illustrating the truly devastating effects of climate change set to the lyrics of Bob Dylan’s prophetic song ‘A Hard Rain’s A-Gonna Fall’.

Members from a select panel of experts addressed the audience and committee on the tough questions urgently needing to be faced.

‘Does democracy help or hinder the green economy?’
‘Is Capitalism the cause and can it be the solution to climate change?’
‘How do we bring the vested interests of powerful groups under control?’

The debate drew several conclusions – amongst them that successive Governments in all countries need to make a sustained effort to prioritise environmental policy; and that there ought to be economic value in protecting our natural resources, not just using them for consumption. Caroline Lucas MP, the first and only Green Member of Parliament underlined the importance of framing the Green Economy as a positive change.

It was made clear that human beings have to change the way we live in order to avoid the existential threat of climate change.  Given the severity of this fact however, members of the audience did not leave dreading the inevitability of a destroyed planet. Instead the event brought hope.

It showed us that all people, from different backgrounds and professions, and in different ways could make a difference. In the words of soon-to-be Deputy Secretary-General to the UN Jan Eliasson, who joined the debate via video, “No one can do everything, but everyone can do something.”

The Rio+20 debate was a beautiful example of the value and constructiveness of political leaders joining forces with members of civil society and ordinary citizens. It also made one thing in particularly very clear – that grassroot diplomacy is at the centre of meeting the challenges of climate change.

For more information about the event please visit:

Thursday, 24 May 2012

Global Diplomatic Forum analyses challenges of modern foreign policymaking

Written by James Johnson

On 17 May 2012 a variety of delegates ranging from embassy representatives to civil servants gathered to examine and discuss the first two years of the British coalition government’s engagement with the world.

One of the key issues brought up at the conference was the need for the United Kingdom to maintain and continue to establish a global economic presence. Alex Ellis, Director of Strategy at the Foreign Office, pointed out that the government had opened 11 new embassies, 8 new consulates and a number of language centres across the world to aid diplomatic and trade links. In regards to the European Union, John Peet of The Economist, Adam Hug from the Foreign Policy Centre and Tomi Huhtnanen of the Centre of European Studies stressed the need for stability in the Eurozone, particularly pertaining to Greece.

In regards to the UK, differences between the coalition partners on the European issue were examined, as were the consequences of David Cameron’s December veto and his move away from the European People’s Party. On reaching out to the BRIC countries, the panel included representatives from Brazil and Russia and a variety of issues were discussed, including the effect of the Falklands on trading with Latin America and Ryzhkov Maxim’s argument for the Europeanization of the Russian polity. The consistent theme of these panels was the need for the UK to reach out to current and new trading partners, in order to open up the road for business to develop and invest in other countries - a key objective for politicians and diplomats alike.

The other dominant focus of the day was the approach the UK should take to assure international security and peace building. The Middle East and North Africa in the wake of the Arab Spring gained general consensus that Britain should be ready to work with Islamic political parties and the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. Interventions from the floor were useful, with one delegate pointing to the dangers for women in the region. Potential reform of the United Nations Security Council was posited, as were solutions to the crisis in Syria. The central importance of the Israeli-Palestine conflict was consistently stressed, and Jeffrey Donaldson MP pointed to the lessons learnt from the Northern Ireland peace process in addressing this rift. In the final panel, Bernard Jenkin MP and Quintin Oliver, CEO of Stratagem International offered critiques of the Iraq and Afghanistan invasions, and the Deputy High Commissioner of Pakistan, Nafees Zakaria offered a staunch defence of Pakistan’s role in the fight against the Taliban. All in all, there was a desire for peace to be acquired through diplomacy with a realist analysis of the routes towards this objective.

Grassroot Diplomat found that many of the issues brought up at the event are linked to the merits of grassroot diplomacy. By connecting companies to governments, Grassroot Diplomat can make it easier for businesses to reach goals of international investment. Moreover, by fostering a healthy relationship between charities and governments across the world, those organisations that attempt to spread peace and prosperity in poverty-stricken countries will be stronger. What may seem like an out-of-reach and governmental decision actually relies on the efforts of those on the ground and the concept of grassroot diplomacy strives to achieve this vital participation.

As Younes El Ghazi, CEO of the Global Diplomatic Forum made clear in his opening speech, the conference was a good platform for debate and representation from many different countries and sectors.

The overwhelming view was that power has been decentralised and dispersed, and that the world has become more uncertain and less stable. Nevertheless, government and civil society alike has a role in overcoming these problems, whether economically or security orientated, and the Global Diplomatic Forum’s event was a fine way to explore such solutions.

Sunday, 29 April 2012

4th Annual DIPLOMAT Awards Ceremony recognises Outstanding Contributions to Diplomacy

On the 24th of April 2012, Ambassadors and diplomats from over 100 countries gathered in London for the 4th Annual Diplomat Magazine Awards Ceremony. Hosted in the Langham Hotel’s Grand Ballroom, the beautiful room paid perfect homage to the centuries-old traditions of diplomacy.  

The Awards Ceremony, hosted by publisher of Diplomat Magazine Hugo de Blocq van Kuffeler, recognised different levels of diplomacy from consular services to ambassadorships of seven different regions. His opening remarks underlined the crucial importance of the work carried out by diplomats on behalf of the international community and the everlasting necessity for countries to maintain and build positive bilateral and multilateral relations.

As guests networked over champagne canapé, 12 Ambassadors, High Commissioners and Mission representatives were rewarded for their outstanding achievements and contributions to diplomacy.

Amongst the winners, the Diplomatic Academy of London - where Grassroot Diplomat Director Talyn Rahman-Figueroa received her diplomatic training - was awarded for ‘Distinguished Contribution to Diplomacy in London’. First Secretary at the Royal Thai Embassy Natthapol Na Songkhla was honoured as ‘Young Diplomat of the Year’, while the Ambassador of Macedonia Her Excellency Mrs Marija Efremova was recognised for her ‘Outstanding Contribution to Women in Diplomacy’.

Newly appointed High Commissioner of Sri Lanka Dr. Chris Nonis, was “deeply humbled” by his award for Diplomat of the Year from Asia, and transcended identity politics in his acceptance speech, “I am not Sinhalese, Tamil, Muslim, or Burgher, I am Sri Lankan, and I am proud to be Sri Lankan.”

With media attention often focusing on international conflict and diplomatic failure, this DIPLOMAT Awards provided a key reminder of the endless successes of diplomacy in London.

The event can be described as a huge success, and it was a real pleasure for Grassroot Diplomat, which places huge value on work done by diplomats on behalf of communities, to see their important efforts being recognised.

Grassroot Diplomat looks forward partnering with Diplomat Magazine in November this year to deliver Grassroot Diplomat Initiative Award. The Grassroot Diplomat Initiative Awards will give recognition to politicians and diplomats who have made exceptional achievements benefitting communities.

DIPLOMAT Award Winners and Categories:

Young Diplomat of the Year:
Mr Natthapol Na Songkhla – First Secretary from the Embassy of Thailand

Outstanding Contribution to the Press Corps:
Ms Cristina-Nacisa Nita – Press Attaché from Embassy of Romania

Outstanding Contribution to the Consular Corps:
Ms Zeina Hamad Al Khalifa – Embassy of Bahrain

Diplomat of the Year from the Americas:
His Excellency Mr Eduardo Medina Mora – Ambassador of Mexico

Diplomat of the Year from Europe:
His Excellency Dr Ion Jinga – Ambassador of Romania

Diplomat of the Year from Eurasia:
His Excellency Mr Fakhraddin Gurbanov – Ambassador of Azerbaijan

Diplomat of the Year from Africa:
His Excellency Mr Ernest Rwamucyo – High Commissioner for Rwanda

Diplomat of the Year from Asia:
His Excellency Dr Chris Nonis – High Commissioner for Sri Lanka

Diplomat of the Year from South America:
His Excellency Mr Mauricio Rodríguez-Múnera – Ambassador of Colombia

Outstanding Contribution to Women in Diplomacy:
Her Excellency Mrs Marija Efremova – Ambassador of Macedonia

The Distinguished Contribution to Diplomacy in London:
The Diplomatic Academy of London (Collected by Director, Professor Nabil Ayad)

Thursday, 12 April 2012

Building Bridges: The Unlimited Rewards of BAME communities and charities working together

The Faith Regen Foundation and Royal National Lifeboat Institution (RNLI) came together on 19th April 2012 to host an event to champion the unlimited rewards achieved when organisations from different walks of life come together.

Focusing on the importance of working with Black, Asian and Ethnic Minority (BAME) communities the event showed the “relationship of opportunities” to be had from cooperation. Held at the London Muslim Centre, where the Faith Regen Foundation is based, the Centre, which has been dedicated to bringing forth community cohesion and social welfare for over 100 years, could not have been a more appropriate setting to advocate the cause of the BAME community.

The Faith Regen Foundation is a national, multi-faith regeneration organisation that promotes tolerance in order to achieve cohesive and sustainable communities. Founded in response to the widespread stereotyping of Muslims that took place following the 9/11 attacks, the ethos of Faith Regen centres on cooperation and understanding between different communities. It’s most recent partnership with RNLI is a perfect manifestation of what can be achieved when two seemingly different organisations come together.

The work of the RNLI focuses on coastal and river rescue around the British Isles, and more recently internationally as well. However, with many UK coastal areas being inhabited by people of white, middle-class backgrounds, BAME communities were not being involved in their valuable work. In commitment to “working with the community for the community”, partnership with Faith Regen will enable the RNLI to promote its services and volunteering opportunities to BAME communities. Mutual benefit is found in the increased capacity to save lives as well as the promotion of tolerance amongst people of different backgrounds in new ways.

This ethos of reaching out to other communities, organisations and institutions lies at the heart of Grassroot Diplomat. We believe in the endless mutual gains that are to be had by creating dialogue between different groups. By reaching out to grassroots projects and building relationships with varied individuals, organisations, and governments we hope we can contribute to the ‘building of bridges’ that is so crucial to a healthy, unified society. It was a pleasure to attend the Faith Regen event, and an inspiration to see groups of different backgrounds helping each other in new ways.

Friday, 30 March 2012

Student Career Coaching

Are you one of many students aspiring to join the United Nations? Are you worried about what prospects wait for you in this dry economic climate? Have you done enough to make yourself competitive? Are you studying Politics, International Relations, History or similar?

You should consider being coached by the Grassroot Diplomat. 

Founded by 26-year-old Talyn Rahman-Figueroa, Grassroot Diplomat is the only diplomatic agency of its kind that bridges the gap between civil society and political leaders. As a fresh graduate, Talyn had applied to 105 jobs before starting up her own business and receives the same kind of resumes from students wanting to get into the same field. Surprisingly the United Nations is struggling to fill internships not because applications are low, rather applicants all have similar skills, education and experiences which is killing their chances. It is not too late to steer your career aspiration in the right direction.

For a limited time, the director will be providing an intimate one-to-one session with students of any university to help them realise their potential, provide critique of resume and covering letter, and share secrets passed onto by heads of government offices about internships and current job market.

This one hour session is available to students for a limited special rate and can be arranged face-to-face or via webcam. This offer is only available for a brief period and all proceeds will go towards supporting underfunded organisations that require diplomatic assistance.

To book your session, visit:

Monday, 12 March 2012

Royal Holloway Diplomatic Society meets Talyn Rahman-Figueroa

On Tuesday the 6th of March, members of the Royal Holloway Diplomatic Society had the honour of meeting Talyn Rahman-Figueroa, Director of Grassroot Diplomat.

As a diplomatic consultative group, Grassroot Diplomat’s slogan is “Bridging the gap between political leaders and civil society.” This is done via various projects that the group supports all over the world (at the moment Canada, Pakistan, Ghana among others) in order to really make the people and their needs and interests, part of the international decision making process.

Grassroot Diplomat was established by 26-year old Talyn in June 2011, in order to realize her wish to bring forth a real contribution to the international policy-making process. Before founding the group, Talyn had gained excellent academic and professional experience through her studies in Japanese and Management at SOAS, and in Diplomatic Studies at the Diplomatic Academy of London, as well as through training in Morocco, the European Union Commission and the UN Headquarters in New York.

Talyn’s speech was extremely inspiring, motivating and eye-opening. The students, most of whom will be graduating in July, felt like they could relate to Talyn’s stories and were ever so grateful for her availability to answer any question about how the group works and how it was set up. The audience was definitely provided with an insightful version of how a possible career in diplomatic relations can develop. This was especially true during what soon became a "workshop," where each student introduced him or herself, as well as his or her future professional aims. Talyn offered her advice about how to best realize one’s ambitions.

As the Royal Holloway Diplomatic Society’s aim is to bring students with a strong interest in international affairs closer to the world of diplomacy, having Talyn speak to the Society’s members was definitely a rewarding experience. This event fitted very nicely in the series of events that have been organized by the Society, but it also brought something different. While the previous events had seen the Ambassador of Belgium, the Ambassador of Switzerland, the First Secretary at the Russian Embassy in London, the former British Ambassador to Slovenia, and other diplomatic figures, speak to the students in the lecture theatres, over a glass of wine, or during lunch in the official residences, the Director of Grassroot Diplomat opened a new window in the students’ knowledge of diplomacy; that window uncovered the world of diplomatic consultative groups.

All in all the meeting was very successful, the audience felt like it gained a lot from attending the event, and the Royal Holloway Diplomatic Society hopes to see Talyn again in the near future. She has definitely helped bridge the gap between us - students with a vivid interest in diplomacy - and the world of the future.

Wednesday, 1 February 2012

The Power of Relationships

InPEC has conducted this interview with Talyn Rahman-Figueroa at Grassroot Diplomat’s office in Central London. Ms Rahman-Figueroa is a young policy leader and enthusiastic entrepreneur with a clear goal: to bridge the existing gap between civil society and leaders. With an impressive academic and practical background in diplomacy, Ms Rahman-Figueroa set up the first Diplomatic Business Consulting firm of its kind. Five months later, Grassroot Diplomat has grown to include a team of six experts in their respective fields as projects proliferate rapidly in all continents. Despite her young age, Ms Rahman-Figueroa is determined to tear down traditional barriers and work towards moving from a culture of national interests to a culture of people interests. ‘Success depends on one thing’, she argues, and that thing is the ‘power of relationships’.

Franco: Good morning Ms Rahman-Figueroa, and welcome to a conversation with InPEC. In a previous interview with The Next Women you stated that what distinguishes your business from other similar agencies is its diplomatic grassroot element. In what sense is Grassroot Diplomat a grassroot agency compared to others?

Rahman-Figueroa: Grassroot Diplomat is the only diplomatic agency in the world that facilitates the work of civil society groups over corporations. Many diplomatic groups tend to favour corporations as clients because it is commercial and their lobbying capacity is greater than that of non-government organisations. We take on board policy-related projects led by retired civil servants, non-government organisations, and foreign institutions that have enough passion to dedicate their life to the cause but lack time, funds and connections that can really make a difference to their work.

We think of civil society projects as a national interest that embassies and governments should pay attention to. Government officials who are at the top of their career tend to be far removed from ordinary citizens which is a problem in today’s social network society. How can diplomats represent their country if citizens back home are not being heard by their own government? That makes little sense to me. The world of diplomacy needs to innovate with the world we live in now. People power has become increasingly effective when compared to government polls. By working with the people and representing policy projects, Grassroot Diplomat hopes to deliver concerns of the people at a national and international level, by connecting grassroots-led projects to civil servants, diplomats and institutions alike.

Franco: Grassroot Diplomat seeks to bridge the existing gap between civil society and political leadership. How can Grassroot Diplomat help promote the voices of civil society in ways that these are incorporated into political debate and policymaking processes?

Rahman-Figueroa: Grassroot Diplomat is the epitome of terms known as “citizen diplomacy” and “public diplomacy”, whereby issues of an international nature are taken upon by members of society who do not necessarily belong to a government. By using diplomatic strategies and connections within diplomatic circles, Grassroot Diplomat aims to connect client projects to prominent political leaders who show an interest to what stakeholders think. We have many programmes that support and promote the voices of civil society. The service that takes up most of our time involves conducting research on policies that national and international governments have or are already working on. We try to find out as much information as possible in relation to our client’s project before providing strategies and recommendations for improvements. We then search for civil servants and diplomats who may be personally interested in our client’s project and build a relationship with them so that the work of our client is being readily supported by someone who can further influence the project.

We also provide media exposure to our client’s work in order to gain support from the public and citizens of other countries, which then helps to strengthen the project and sustain its relevance. The level of support we provide our clients is more than what the clients actually pay us. In the end, it is not about how much money we can make from a project but how successful we are in building and sustaining a relationship between our client and a political decision-maker. Once the project is internally fortified and that relationship is finally established, our client is in a better position to promote a project that makes a stronger impact on debates and policy-making processes.

Franco: Cosmopolitan views that portray civil society as an emerging, global phenomenon often fail to acknowledge particularistic projects. Has Grassroot Diplomat the capacity and resources necessary to address localized claims and political projects?

Rahman-Figueroa: Cross-cultural communication is a huge part of what we do. As an international organisation that tends to the needs of global citizens and missions, Grassroot Diplomat has a team of experts that know the culture, politics and history of several countries in at least one continent. We do not pressure our clients into exclusively using Western schools of thought. Instead, we take into consideration national and international legislations related to our client’s projects and get in touch with relevant embassies to avoid cultural barriers and political implications that may otherwise hinder the project. On top of that, we work with international diplomatic institutions like the European Union and United Nations to cross-examine information reported by their experts, so that we can gain accurate information about policy matters from a neutral point of view. Grassroot Diplomat works with many partners and the number of institutions we are connecting with is growing.

Also, as an independent agency, Grassroot Diplomat shows no allegiance to one particular government and as such, we are careful not to get involved in projects that may be harmful to diplomatic relations. We have a strict policy to reject projects led by political candidates and active members of government so as to remain as apolitical as possible. It would be very difficult to gain the trust of an embassy if we had worked with a controversial political member in the past.

Franco: Based on slogans such as “politicians do not represent us”, emerging movements in Western Europe and the US (for example, Spain’s group “15-M” or US’s “Occupy Wall Street”) are often portrayed by mainstream media as apolitical or anti-system. However, their agendas are very much political. As a self-proclaimed grassroot diplomat, do you see yourself as a valid intermediary between these movements and political leaders?

Rahman-Figueroa: As an individual who has worked for governments and NGOs, I see a great gap between civil society and governments. During an election campaign, political candidates write up a policy ‘wish-list’ which they pitch to the public to gain support. However, once in power, politicians then have to deal with a different set of power struggle by trying to sway peers to support their policy initiatives and form working groups to start work on it. It is a thorny process. Also, policy priorities can easily shift depending on the climate that the politicians find themselves in. Before his election, President Obama promised to reform national healthcare provisions for his people and fought very hard to see his commitments through, but Republican oppositions made it very difficult for him to pass any legislation through that could possibly win him another term. While he was adamant on working on the healthcare issue, President Obama’s popularity was slipping because not enough attention was paid to solving unemployment and the global economic crisis. This leads me to my next point.

Governments in many countries seem to lack inter-departmental communication. When I was training at the United Nations in New York, I was alarmed to hear many heads of offices complaining about how none of the departments are interlinked. Surely the rise in population has links to refugee issues, climate change and global health risks, so why keep those departments separate? There isn’t a lot of streamlining between government departments and this is why there is that gap between the people and the government. People’s concerns are passed onto one department after another and there is no real result at the end of that long bureaucratic journey. I also believe that many NGOs suffer from ‘tunnel-vision syndrome’ whereby a biased passion for change bypasses logic and neutrality. If NGOs were to ignore opinions and publications from leading well respected think tanks or institutions, it is almost certain that their work will not be taken seriously by government officials.

As the grassroot diplomat, I have taken the views of young people and women to many international summits and conferences and reasoned with officials as a voice of neutrality. Of course I was representing issues that I was deeply passionate about, but matters had to be dealt with a diplomatic demeanour so as to not offend or harm the relationship I was trying to create. Mixing grassroots with diplomacy has rarely been done, but I think it is an effective method when used correctly.

Franco: Not only are you a woman in a world of men but you are also very young in a field, diplomacy, where seniority is traditionally seen as an advantage. Can gender and age be an obstacle to your project?

Rahman-Figueroa: Diplomacy requires an injection of innovation and with enough time perhaps Grassroot Diplomat can flex the rigid diplomatic system that has been in place for centuries. Being a young woman involved in diplomacy may seem daunting to many people, but I hope that being the face of Grassroot Diplomat can break the old stereotype of diplomacy belonging to elder gentlemen. There are many more women entering and representing the diplomatic field. Since 1993, the Foreign and Commonwealth Office committed to achieve 15% female representation in senior-level posts. I predict the number of female British Ambassadors will rise in the next 25 years as this would have provided enough time for female diplomats to climb the ladder. But it is very unusual to see a young person such as myself networking with high-level diplomats.

Where I lack in seniority and wisdom, I make up for with my amazing team of consultants who provide expertise on particular issues not known to me. Former diplomats Hayk Berikyan from Armenia and Charles Crawford from Britain provide much insight into the world of diplomacy, as well as connections to other diplomatic practitioners who may enhance the work and mission of Grassroot Diplomat. Ellee Seymour is a gifted PR practitioner who has done much work with the British government. Christina Mitchell has great practical experience working with grassroots organisations based in Africa and has a rich knowledge of alternative dispute methods when dealing with unstable countries. Syed Ejaz Kabir is an anti-corruption lawyer based in Bangladesh who is vital in providing legal information on how to deal with corrupt governments. Finally, Adrian Henriques is an expert in corporate responsibility issues and has worked on issues of sustainability with corporations and NGOs alike. With their help and support, I am sure Grassroot Diplomat will go very far.

Franco: Let’s talk a little more about gender. In the past you have been very active in the field of women’s rights –you were for example nominated onto the executive board of the UN-affiliated NGO Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom. Where do women’s rights fit into your new project? Can you please provide particular examples.

Rahman-Figueroa: The issue of gender and women’s rights is very close to my heart and I am trained to take gender matters into consideration when working on all of my projects. I am very vocal when I notice there is a lack of diversity in an organisation and try to include this analysis into the final outcome. While I was training in diplomacy, I became very aware of Britain’s lack of female Ambassadors. As a young woman aspiring to join the diplomatic service, I felt disheartened by the lack of role models we have in the UK and I made it my mission to learn about the history of women in diplomacy. During that time, I wrote a 15,000 word publication outlining the reasons why women were outcasts in the field and, surprisingly, the Foreign Service enforced very sexist policies that kept women out of this field.

Women first stepped into the diplomatic world as secretaries and typists. Many were wives of diplomats and played important roles in diplomatic banquets and meetings to support the work of their husbands. A policy commonly known as the ‘marriage bar’ instructed single women to resign from the Foreign Service if they were to marry. As a result, no fewer than 25% of newly-wedded women had to leave the service. It wasn’t until the 1970s when the ridiculous marriage bar was lifted and women were able to join the Foreign Service as diplomats, whether they were single, married, or divorced.

My paper highlighted that it took the UK 191 years to finally appoint the first female Head of Mission, and in 2010, only 21.8% of senior management positions from 260 diplomatic missions are filled by women. This figure is quite alarming considering that I see many female diplomats in London-based embassies. My paper was forwarded to the diversity team at the Foreign Office and I will make sure to share my findings with other institutions.

Franco: Last week I listened to a leading disarmament activist at the School of Oriental and African Studies who exposed the view that current gender structures are an impediment to disarmament. Based on your experience, what can disarmament campaigners do to overcome these?

Rahman-Figueroa: I am pretty sure that the activist was referring to gender structures embedded within society. The social dynamics between men and women underpins why inequality between the two sexes exists to this day. The straddle for equality and empowerment has been confronted by the social power structure, known as patriarchy, which provides context and justification for institutionalised gender discrimination against women. When you look at the male to female ratio at the executive team of the UN Secretariat, you will see that only 26% of the team is represented by women. While this is a vast improvement, it isn’t an equal split and the balance of decision-making power is tipped by male leaders who tend to support hard power initiatives to protect their national interest.

The relationship between gender and disarmament isn’t obvious, but from my experiences it is apparent that women’s organisations are better mobilised in supporting peace and disarmament than male-led institutions. Nuclear weapons have strong associations to power and have better approval ratings amongst male peers particularly from countries that thirst for greater stake in global politics. The ‘power’ identity must be disassociated from nuclear weapons and this vision must be embraced by both male and female world leaders. Non-proliferation and disarmament needs to have some ‘sex appeal’ to it in order for decision-makers to seriously consider those avenues as a viable option for nuclear deterrent.

Franco: You have also been involved in climate change summits. Surely policymakers hear the voices and concerns of world citizens and climate change experts, but do they listen?

Rahman-Figueroa: The biggest climate change event that I was involved in was the 2009 COP15 in Copenhagen, which unfortunately was one of the most frustrating moments of my life. World leaders were presented with a valuable opportunity to shape a legally binding treaty that was built upon the Kyoto Protocol agreements. Rather than putting aside national interests in exchange for the well-being of our future generation, the summit simply unveiled the inefficiencies of politics. Diplomats sat at the negotiation table with preconceived plans about their stance on climate change which arrested much progress and actual discussion on the issue.

Frustrations were felt by all parties involved and the lack of progress led to 10,000 demonstrators marching the streets of Copenhagen to make their demand for a legally binding treaty clear to decision-makers. So, did they listen? No! While these people marched the streets grabbing media attention from all over the world, decision-makers were stuck in a conference room reinforcing their own national self-interest. It wasn’t until the arrival of President Obama in the final days of the conference that the negotiations moved forward. No one else was bold enough to make some change happen and I don’t think this will change anytime soon.

Franco: What can you tell us about the prospects for UN reform?

Rahman-Figueroa: Reform of the United Nations is vital if the modern world is to be represented fairly and equally. By default, the victors of war became the principal caretakers of the UN as permanent members of the Security Council.

Primarily, as one of the five main organs of the UN structure, the Security Council plays a powerful role in sustaining international peace. Although non-permanent members of the Security Council are said to have ‘equal footing’ to that of permanent members, the veto sets their level of power apart. The veto can be dangerous because, once again, the national interest of states gets in the way of finding global solutions. Once the veto is raised, no further action can be taken regardless of the level of support shown by member states.

This is problematic. For decades, countries like India, Brazil, Japan, and South Africa have tried to maintain some level of power in the UN but the veto system tips the balance of power in favour of permanent Security Council members, which only serves to protect the interests of China, Russia, USA, UK, and France. This isn’t fair, nor is it fair that all countries – with the exception of China – represent Western values and ideologies. Unfortunately, reform is one of those sticky issues that requires the confidence and support of all member states and full provision for change is unlikely when you take into consideration regional conflicts, history and territorial disputes between countries that would more likely block a new candidacy than support it. Diplomacy shouldn’t always be about national interest but rather the interests of its people. That also means accepting solutions that are likely to benefit all states, but that is quite an idealistic statement that may not happen anytime soon.

Franco: Ms Rahman-Figueroa, thank you for answering our questions.